The Rural Organizing Project is a grass-roots organization that seeks to advocate democracy in Rural Oregon. It began in 1991 and today works in many areas. These include
- Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement. ROP in partnership with Political Research Associates is releasing Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement. This is a groundbreaking toolkit designed to provide resources and tools to Oregon’s small towns and rural communities. These towns are under often siege from militias and other Patriot movements.
- Rural Organizing Voices. Rural Organizing Voices is an oral history project to document and share the stories, lessons, organizing tools and wisdom amassed through ROP’s 26-year history of grassroots organizing in rural and small town Oregon.
- Democracy & Civic Participation. ROP and Human Dignity Groups promote year-round rural civic engagement. This builds power on local, state and national levels and facilitates democratic participation in our communities.
upcoming local action
Courtney Neubauer, local organizer working with ROP and newly seated on the LWV Klamath County Board, is putting on a policy and karaoke night at El Palacio’s Mexican Restaurant May 18th, 2019 6-10pm. She will have tables set up so the public can learn about Paid Family Medical Leave, Driver’s Licenses for All, and No-LNG. All of the tables will be set up so that anyone can send their representative a postcard and share their opinion. There will also be an opportunity for folks to say what policy issues they want to learn about in the future! The RSVP form is: http://bit.ly/MayPolicyParty and the FB event is: https://www.facebook.com/events/1250988618384238/?active_tab=about
You may contact Courtney directly by email for further information.