
LWV logo
This is the home of the League of Women Voters of Klamath County. We are a non-partisan organization that:

►encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government (see- GET INVOLVED)

► works to increase understanding of major national public policy issues, state issues and local issues (see- WHAT WE DO)

► influences public policy through education and advocacy (see- BECOME AN INFORMED VOTER)

The League of Women Voters’ primary purpose is supporting VOTING and ELECTIONS. Below you will find information on or links to:

  • Registering to vote.
  • Voting in Oregon’s mail-in system
  • Learning about candidates and issues
  • Learning about our efforts to inform (young) voters, present accurate and unbiased election information, and encourage voting as a civic duty

In 2025, LWVUS will implement significant changes to League membership and dues structure.

Why LWVUS Is Making Changes

These changes are part of the Structure Transformation Plan adopted in 2022, which is rooted in the League’s Transformation Journey that began after the 2016 national convention. In the current phase of the Plan, the League is Framing Our Future, building power by building out the framework that will carry us forward for the next hundred years.

  • Building League power at every level is necessary to fulfill our mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy.
  • Vital work happening at the state and local levels could benefit from increased support.
  • Changing the pay requirement will open Leagues to a more diverse, expansive membership by removing barriers to membership.
  • Too much time and talent are spent on duplicative administrative efforts.

For more information see HERE.

Changes to Membership Categories and Dues Mechanisms

  1. Members will join and renew through one national platform, with a link available at any League website. Members will be able to select the League they join, as they do now. ChapterSpot is the name of the membership platform.
  2. There will be a mechanism for automatic renewals.
  3. Membership types will include:
  • Members
  • Life Members
  1. The Student membership type will be discontinued.
  2. Household memberships will be discontinued. (That is, the payment category Additional Member in Household will be discontinued.)

Government Transparency

Do you want to ensure transparency among elected officials? Become an observer!


Observers in Klamath can attend meetings of

a) Klamath County Commissioner

b) Klamath Falls City Council

c) Klamath County School Board

d) Klamath Falls City Schools

e) any elected Board in the county for various services

Most of these meetings are available by Zoom so that you can attend from your own home.  Remember that you cannot say anything at the meeting.  You are literally there JUST to observe and report to LWV Klamath.  Be sure to complete the Observer Corps form so that we can follow up on anything you suggest. 

Our first action item was THIS letter we sent to the Klamath County Schools Board IN 2023.

Our observations work like this:

1) Observation reports are due the Sunday before the upcoming monthly LWV Klamath Board meeting, at 4 pm . Send the Observer form to Leslie Lowe at leslielowe@lvwklamath.org.

2) The Observer committee will meet at 4 pm the following day (Monday) by Zoom to discuss any reports and what action to suggest to the Board (Letter to Editor or to agency observed, website information, action plan, etc.)

3) The Board will decide what to do at the subsequent Thursday meeting

Be sure to complete the Observer Corps form so that we can follow up on anything you suggest. 

Learn more from this pamphlet: Observing Your Government in Action, Protecting Your Right to Know.

And HERE is a recent post on the observer corps.

Want more info?  Contact Leslie Lowe at 541-882-6509.

LWV Klamath Board Meetings

First Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm online.  Request an agenda for each meeting from admin@lwvklamath.org. Everyone has a voice at our meetings.  (Only Board members are allowed to vote.)

Find our recent board meeting minutes HERE.

See the treasurer’s report for proposed budget for 2024-25 HERE.

Want to talk with someone about any of this?   Call Diane Eastman-Shockey, President at 989-501-0013   or  Leslie Lowe, Treasurer 541-882-6509           

subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of upcoming activities.

CONTACT: LWV of Klamath County 8880 Tingley Lane, Klamath Falls OR 97603 541-882-6509

For more information, contact our president at president@lwvklamath.org

7 thoughts on “Home”

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  5. Until we get rid of corporate capacity to buy votes, nothing on TV or other media will change in a way that truly affects election politics. ” One person, one vote” has to be reinstated by the Supreme Court and now moneyed interests control the Supreme Court for the life of the judges. We are in a cycle that will take years to overturn. Our democracy is at stake from foreign governments influencing our ability to get accurate information. Each of us must live the vision we seek. I believe that is why I am passionate about participation in the activities of the League of Women Voters.

  6. The LWV need to seriously consider Thom Hartmann’s comments–“Democratic Debates: Is It Time to Get the Corporate TV Stars off the Stage?
    The democratic debate, operating entirely within the context of corporate TV stars’ questions and largely Republican frames, shows once again why a for-profit “news“ operation shouldn’t be running a presidential debate. In 1988, the Democratic and Republican parties set up a corporation to handle the debates, and the League of Women Voters for the first time in generations refused to participate, saying the political parties had turned it into a sham.
    And a sham is exactly what we saw last night, with no questions at all about the environment, corporate power, media concentration (which gave Trump $2 billion in free publicity last time around), or why Congress only passes legislation to benefit the top 1%.
    It’s time to bring back deep and meaningful conversations like the league used to have, and get the multimillionaire TV stars off the stage.” This is from his FB page, 14 hours ago. 10.16.2019. Why couldn’t the LWV lobby (who or what I am not sure of) to provide this service to the nation once again?

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