position paper on climate change
The LWV’s position on climate change is important for all league members and voters interested in this issue.
Recently the LWV US has added a Toolkit of information for league members and other interested parties regarding the League’s position on Climate Change. The recent League Update included Talking Points on the Green New Deal, which can be found HERE.
Here you can read about the League’s Position Paper on climate change as of January, 2019. It includes several resolutions that provide further guidance and emphasis for Leagues wishing to engage in climate action. Here is where state and local leagues may find information and language to use when contacting local legislators. It also gives guidance on how to influence their support of federal legislation on climate change.
This is another example of how national and state leagues work together to support position papers developed after close study. When you join our Klamath County League, you also join the national league and lend your voice to discussions of national issues such as climate change.